Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More harm than good?

I believe as Christians and a Church we are to carry out the great commission. But i think we have lost focus of reaching the lost and focused more on the Sunday morning church meeting and bringing people in the doors and in the pews.

Let's face it, the respect for the church has plummeted drastically, especially with the upcoming generations. And so why do we expect people to come to us when we won't go to them?

It just seems logical that Christians should not GO to church at all. If we are concentrated more on the service quality, the attendance, sunday school, or spending time with good people it defeats our purpose. Im not saying church is pointless because i have seen many good things happen in the church and i have seen many people become followers of Jesus because they decided to step in the doors of a church building one sunday. But, i think we miss out on SO MANY MORE opportunities to share the gospel just because we spend more time GOING to church than BEING the Church.

I wonder what Paul would say about the church today. Does it do more harm than good?

Sunday, October 26, 2008


does the "youth" have a voice? Especially in the church.

it seems like i am "screaming" but nobody listens or wants to listen. Or maybe they aren't trying to ignore us, but do so unintentionally. They say we have an important role in the church, but what role is that?

Our society has zero or extremely low expectations for us (the youth).

anyways, here's a question. just a conversation starter...

" What is the youth's position in the church? "

i have some personal opinions on this question, so if you want to ask me...please do.

I know i am not a consistent blogger and i apologize.
Hopefully i can change that.

with much love,


Friday, October 3, 2008

My Lists

So i have no idea what to write about on this thing, so i was told to make a list of personal preferences and pet peeves. So here it is.......

Top Ten "Things That Get under my skin.

10. pop punk bands that sound the same

9. Commercials on Television (and especially the ones they have in the movie theaters now!)

8. The Hot Topic Store

7. Giant Crowds

6. Matt Damon in real life. (i like him as an actor, but he sure is an idiot.)

5. Modern Country Music

4. Politics in general.

3. Christian tv shows and movies. ( they are just embarrassing )

2. Sandra Bullock Movies

1. Disney Channel

That was it. my top ten.

Top 5 Most INFLUENTIAL Bands
5. Iron Maiden (helped shape the metal and hardcore music into what it is today)

4. Bob Dylan ( i think this goes unsaid)

3. The Ramones ( they were just SO different for their time. They started several genres.)

2. U2 ( every modern band has been influenced by U2 in some way or another. Whether they admit or not.)

1. The Beatles (im not a big fan personally, but music wouldn't be where it is without them)

Top 5 TV Shows

5. Monk

4. Psych

3. Pushing Daisies

2. The Office

1. Flight of the Concords

Top 10 places i want to visit before i die.

10. Dublin, Ireland

9. Nantes, France

8. Auckland, New Zealand

7. Munich, Germany

6. Moscow, Russia

5. London, England

4. Madrid, Spain

3. Venice, Italy

2. Vienna, Austria

1. Paris, France (of Course)

So i have plenty more top fives, so i will be sure to post them randomly. i think it will be a monthly thing.

But if you disagree with me on my lists feel free to tell me, so i can tell you why you are wrong.haha

that was fun.